Exams for accredited levels A1 to C2. Our pupils take the exam at the end of the course. The price of the exam is included in the tuition fee. External candidates can also take the exam and acquire a language certificate in one of six levels if they successfully pass the exam in the school premises.
Exams for accredited levels A1 to C2
Attendants of language school WISPRA take the exam at the end of the course. The exam price is included in the tuition fee. External candidates wishing to acquire a recognized degree in one of six levels, take the exam with prior announcement and fee payment of 450 kn.
Parts of the written part of the exam:
I. Understanding
– Reading (understanding the text) and using the language (grammar knowledge)
– Listening (Understanding the listening of a text)
II. Writing (essay)
Duration of the written part of the exam
2 hours for steps A1, A2, Bl
3 hours for degrees B2, C1, C2
Parts of the oral exam:
III. Oral exam
1. Speech interaction (content and fluency in speech, pronunciation, grammatical accuracy)
2. Speech production (the same elements are evaluated as spoken interactions)
The oral exam lasts for about 20 minutes.
Candidates who are not sure about their knowledge of language can take the test.
Testing is done after making the appointment with the candidate.
Testing consists of a written and oral part.